Lawrence Home Nursing Team


Lawrence Home Nursing

For general and nursing enquiries:
Email us:
Phone: 01608 641549



We provide people with end of life nursing care in their own homes.

When asked, most of us say we want to die at home, in the comfort of familiar surroundings, close to those we love.

But that’s only possible if the right end of life care is available.  That means having access to specialist advice, nursing care and regular emotional support.  And for families caring for loved ones it means having someone they can turn to for reassurance and respite.

That’s where our nurses step in. Providing hands-on care whenever it’s needed, our nurses make it possible for people to be cared for in their own home, surrounded by family, friends and pets.  Guided by a patient’s needs and wishes, our nurses work closely with GPs and community nurses to help manage symptoms and give each person the care that’s right for them. And by helping people to relax and feel like themselves the nurses make sure patients and their families get the most out of their last moments together.

The team offers care whenever it’s needed, whether that’s for a few hours in the day or through the night.


We look after anyone, aged 18 and over, who is in their last weeks of life.  Patients are referred to us by GPs, community and specialist nurses, hospitals, hospices, and occasionally, family members.

Our patients are mainly registered at one of the following General Practices:

  • Bloxham/Hook Norton Surgery Tel: 01295 722788
  • The Charlbury Medical Centre Tel: 01608 811680
  • Chipping Norton Health Centre Tel: 01608 642742
  • Deddington Health Centre Tel: 01869 338611
  • Wychwood Surgery Tel: 01993 831061